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Mrs. April Madrid's Counseling Corner

Visit the link below to meet our new counselor!


What Does a Counselor Do?

Works with classes, students, and parents

Works with staff to help students do their personal best in class

Provides support through small group counseling, individual counseling, and classroom guidance

Provides crisis intervention for students

Works on problem solving, self-esteem, coping strategies, social skills, changing families, conflict, though the use of character education

What If a student needs to see the counselor?

Student may ask the teacher or campus staff

Parent may request

Staff may refer to counselor 

Students may leave a note in the mailbox outside the counselor’s office

How Do Counselors Provide Support?

Classroom Guidance: I will hold classroom guidance lessons with each homeroom once a month. The topics may be character traits, college awareness, careers, or service for others.

Small Group Counseling: Small group counseling sessions may be offered to students throughout the school year, based on student need. This allows students to give and receive help from their peers who may be experiencing similar feelings or situations. These are a few example of small group sessions that have been conducted in the past:


Changing Families- Divorce, step families, blended families

Friendship Fun-How to get along with friends

Social Skills- How to interact with other students and adults

Anxiety/ Worry- Worries about school, friends, sports


Group sessions will typically last 6 sessions, and are made based on teacher or parent referrals. Each session will be about 20-30 minutes long. Sessions will take place at an agreed upon time with the classroom teacher when minimal instruction is missed. Any child may participate in group sessions, with parent permission first. If you have any questions about group, please feel free to contact me!

Individual Counseling: I can work with a student on a one to one basis as needed.  Parents or teachers may contact me about meeting with a student about any topic, this will be done with parent permission.


I would love to hear from you!

To contact me please email me at

Or call me at 240-6819

Mrs. April Madrid


Monthly Character Lessons/ Topics


August/ September

















Honesty/ Safety